
Task Force: Turning municipal plans and ambitions into concrete heat projects

14-06-2021 93 keer bekeken 0 reacties


30-06-2021 om 15:00


30-06-2021 om 16:30

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The webinar is part of a series of three webinars organised by the Task Force Wärmewende/Warmtetransitie. These webinars are put together from the results of the questionnaire we sent to all the Dutch and German municipalities in our project region.

In this first Dutch-German webinar, InEnergie and iNeG present how heat projects can be made concrete and which tools can be used. We also open the discussion by sharing heat projects/experiences with each other and discuss how we can use tools to make projects concrete. To facilitate the transfer of knowledge, the webinars are in English. Of course, we can help you with translation if needed.

Sign up

Because we received feedback from the questionnaire that many people need answers on how to make heat projects concrete, we assume that this webinar will be valuable for both municipal employees and other stakeholders in the heat transition.

You can register via the following link: Meeting Registration - Zoom


One of three webinars

As a follow-up to this webinar, the second webinar will take place in September and will focus on the different roles that municipalities can play in the heat transition. The third and final webinar in this series will focus on citizen participation and stimulation in the heat transition and will take place in October.

The cross-border workshops are organised by the team of the INTERREG Germany-Nederland project "Task Force Wärmewende" with the support of the EnergyAgency.NRW. The INTERREG VA project "Task Force Wärmewende" is a German-Dutch project that aims to implement concrete solutions on a local level towards a sustainable heat transition as well as to develop and support projects that are currently in the planning or preliminary stages of development. More information can be found at



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